Attempting to prepare your income taxes on your own can be a complex, frustrating and a confusing endeavor.
You will likely spend hours upon hours trying to file your return, and even then you can’t be 100% confident that you did it correctly. One mistake could end up costing you hundreds, even thousands, in back taxes. With professional tax preparation services, At Jarrar & Assciates CPAs you’ll get expertly trained tax professionals who understand your income tax needs. Tax preparation services give you access to a team of experts who can address your tax questions in a professional and friendly manner.
Jarrar & Associates CPAs is a registered CPAs and tax preparer that is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). We offer tax preparation, tax planing services for individuals, corporations and partnerships. Maximizing your refund or minimizing your tax liability: Your taxes are calculated accurately to maximize your return as entitled to you by Federal and State regulations or to minimized your tax liability.
Rates and fees:
We offer competitive rates for our services, for small and large businesses. Discover what we can do for you.
We tailor our schedule around yours. Make an appointment with us today.
Refer a friend:
Refer your friend or someone you know and we will offer you 25% discounted rate on your tax return. Personal or Business.