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    Tax Services in Beverly Hills

    Jarrar & Associates offers customized tax services Beverly Hills to individuals and businesses. Our CPAs specifically design the best accounting solutions for their clients and deliver the highest levels of performance effectively, capably, and reliably. We can offer you a wide range of accounting and tax services in the form of personalized solutions.

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    Who We Serve

    We work with businesses of all sizes and scales, as well as individuals in need of all-inclusive accounting and tax services Beverly Hills.

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    Why Jarrar & Associates?

    The reason is simple – we excel in effective tax planning.

    • Tax Preparation: We will help you ready your taxes.
    • Tax Planning: We will hash out plans for your taxes.
    • Management: We will handle every situation associated with taxes on your behalf and negotiate the best possible solution.

    Expert Tax Guidance for All

    Taxes tend to generate fear and confusion, which, in turn, results in financial situations you want to avoid. This does not have to happen to you. By choosing our tax services Beverly Hills, you will receive insights and information that will help you stay away from unwanted surprises.

    We will make sure that you can capitalize on potential money-saving opportunities and take advantage of tax codes to achieve financial goals in the long run.

    Got a Question? We Have the Answer

    Do you have any queries regarding tax solutions for your personal or business requirements? We will be happy to answer them. Click on the button below to get in touch with us.

    Get In Touch

    If you don’t have good financial practices in place, your business could suffer in a number of ways: 

    • Lost revenue 
    • Insufficient tax planning 
    • Missed financial opportunities 
    • Penalties and fines 
    • Closing your doors

    Our monthly accounting process starts with receiving your source documents. A Beverly Hills CPA compiles the information and reports back to you with the following to help you take back control of your finances: 

    • Make monthly profit and loss statements 
    • Make monthly balance sheets 
    • Perform regular account reconciliation 
    • Offer advice based on your financial statements, tax planning, and your business’s situation 

    We also include the following services: 

    • Business tax work 
    • Sales tax filings 
    • Audit representation

    Our Beverly Hills accounting services include preparing taxes, solving problems, planning taxes, and auditing. We also specialize in accounting for small and large businesses and individuals, payroll, financing, QuickBooks accounting, business entity formation, business management, talent management, and financial planning.

    Of course, we will help our clients should they get audited. Audit representation is one of our specialties. We employ some of the best CPAs for that. We offer agent-level support, meaning that we deal with the IRS agent directly in the case of income tax audits. Almost all of these issues are resolved at the agent level and never need to go to tax court. If we’re preparing your monthly sales tax returns, we will also represent you in a sales tax audit.

    About Tax

    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) levies the U.S. Federal Income Tax on annual earnings of corporations, individuals, trusts, and other entities. Federal Income Taxes are applicable to all forms of earnings, making up a taxpayer’s taxable income. This includes wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, investment income, tips, and a few types of unearned income. Our CPAs can help you build an effective accounting system to accurately and conveniently asses profitability, monitor prices and expenses, control budgets, and forecast future speculation trends.

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